
I just published a video on how to set up your amiga workbench environment for developing amos games. Specifically I go through the workbench installation process, installing lha, filer and redit to have a basic set of utilities. Finally installing easy amos and deluxe paint 3. This is an abbreviated text version of that guide.

getting the software

We need LHA since it's the most commonly used archive and compression format on the amiga. In fact, the other two utilities come compressed with lha. This is an executable self-extracting version of LHA which is necessary since.. we don't have LHA yet. Filer is by far the most amiga application I've encountered. It embodies the anarchy of amiga UI design with buttons EVERYWHERE. That said, it's excellent and excels at managing files. Redit isn't a reddit client, it's a simple text editor. Workbench 3.1 ([1]) Amiga 1200 3.1 kickstart ([1]) Easy Amos ([1] [2] [3]) Deluxepaint 3 ([1])


I decided to use amiberry as my emulator of choice. While it says it's for arm boards it works perfectly fine on x86 systems. You can use any flavor of UAE that you prefer since the settings are named almost identically. In fact amiberry is modeled after WinUAE. You really don't need to change much in the settings, I recommend setting the ram to 8mb and changing the cpu to 68020 at 14mhz. 8mb means you were rolling in cash but the cpu seems appropriate for the period. For harddrives you want to add two shared directories; one you can set as read-only and dump the software we downloaded above in. The second should be read-write so you can share files back and forth between your host pc and the emulated amiga. Finally you need a system harddrive, so create a new hardfile, make sure it's bootable and has a size of at least 100mb. Although I recommend a gig or two so you don't run out of space and have to create a new one. There's nothing realistic about harddrives that large, but I just can't be arsed to be THAT authentic. Insert the Install disk of the Workbench 3.1 set of floppies and start amiberry.

installing workbench 3.1

I'm not going to detail the entire process in text since it'd be a novel and a half. Just click the youtube link at the top if you're uncertain during any part of the installation process. The gotchas you might encounter is not installing a keymap valid for your physical keyboard, or (more likely) it not existing in the default workbench installation since the amiga wasn't sold in all regions. There's little to be done there and I have no real experience with it (since I was lucky enough that sweden was a supported commodore region). But google will help you find keymaps you might need. There's also keymap translation in amiberry and most other emulators to circumvent the issue.


There's more software we will need to make our amiga amos game, but I'll detail those as a I decide upon candidates. I really don't know which audio software to use, nor which tracker might be best/easiest. But what you've got now is the same base development environment that I do. Happy amiga'ing.