I'm not a youtuber and I never will be.
We will be making a text game, also known as interactive fiction. The game will feature a minimum of ten rooms with some type of graphical representation for most, if not all, of them.
I just published a video on how to set up your amiga workbench environment for developing amos games. Specifically I go through the workbench installation process, installing lha, filer and redit to have a basic set of utilities. Finally installing easy amos and deluxe paint 3. This is an abbreviated text version of that guide.
Now that I'm becoming a (terrible) youtube again I feel obligated to document the learning process. I just published the video above, and it went terribly.
Just finished the first video detailing the projects I highlighted in my very first mlog. Admittedly its primary purpose was to serve as an equipment and software test, a task it performed admirably. I identified several issues;
I finally got to do a video on some actual development for the CBA-8. Sure took a while to get to this point. In this video I write a little program in my assembly language and go through the source for my compiler.
Just a quickie. Put up a video about the fact that I'm switching my hobby embedded projects over to RISC-V.