Planning development of our amiga game
We will be making a text game, also known as interactive fiction. The game will feature a minimum of ten rooms with some type of graphical representation for most, if not all, of them.
Installing workbench 3.1 on amiga (emulator)
I just published a video on how to set up your amiga workbench environment for developing amos games. Specifically I go through the workbench installation process, installing lha, filer and redit to have a basic set of utilities. Finally installing easy amos and deluxe paint 3. This is an abbreviated text version of that guide.
mlog because blog is so 2023
So, what will be the point of this mlog (that just rolls off the tongue, m-pause-log, mmmm-log). I need somewhere to dump diagrams, schematics and transcripts of some upcoming projects of mine. Side-projects, I won't post much about chimerasyntax here since I simply won't post much about chimerasyntax anywhere. What are these side-projects? Glad you didn't ask.