mlog because blog is so 2023
So, what will be the point of this mlog (that just rolls off the tongue, m-pause-log, mmmm-log). I need somewhere to dump diagrams, schematics and transcripts of some upcoming projects of mine. Side-projects, I won't post much about chimerasyntax here since I simply won't post much about chimerasyntax anywhere. What are these side-projects? Glad you didn't ask.
Assembly to machinecode
I finally got to do a video on some actual development for the CBA-8. Sure took a while to get to this point. In this video I write a little program in my assembly language and go through the source for my compiler.
Switch to RISC-V
Just a quickie. Put up a video about the fact that I'm switching my hobby embedded projects over to RISC-V.