
I'm not a youtuber and I never will be. If you visit my youtube channel you'll find a handful of videos all made in the last year or so. But I've been on youtube almost since the very start, long before google owned it. I'll get bit by the bug, make a few videos, manage to generate between very few to a decent amount of views but almost never any interaction with my viewers. Inevitably I get disillusioned and quit. A year later I'll start back up again by either deleting on privating all my previous videos. I've done this since the very beginning. The algorithm never helps me. Ever. This is partly because I make obscure videos (setting up a virtual terminal on a 1970s unix derivation). But it's undeniably also because I quit before the algorithm can form an opinion of me so it never puts me in a box that it tries to push. To make matters worse I tend to pick up subscribers in each of my spurts of content production, but these might not at all be interested in the videos I start back up with again and never click them. Thus downranking me in the eyes of the algorithm. Let's be candid here; it's also quite possible I just suck at making content. That said, I find it entertaining, so who cares? The one thing that would actually help me, namely uploading consistently, is the one thing I never end up doing. Thus eliminating any chance I'd have of the algorithm learning what I'm about. It's my own fault, pure and simple. I'm going to start back up with youtube again in 2025. But I'm going to treat it very, very differently. Instead of trying to stick to a niche so the algorithm might notice me I'll just do whatever the heck I want. I'll do 30 second videos, I'll do 2h videos. I won't shy away from subjects that prevents the videos from being monetized, google can keep the €1 they might give me every now and then. To be clear, the monetary bit was never a motivating factor since I'll never get more than a couple of thousand subscribers. But I intentionally avoided subjects that might be de-monetized since the algorithm won't push videos that aren't monetized. I'm going to treat youtube as a dumping ground. A complete and utter random mess of whatever I find interesting or engaging at the time. I'll add videos explaining some of my more esoteric weight lifting exercises. I'll make videos playing an amiga game. Heck, I'll even make videos of my food which many have described as "semen looking gunk". Because, why not? Youtube is free video hosting. And that's all it will ever be to me, so by golly, I intend to fully use it as such. If you want to stay on for the ride, thank you. But let's be honest, this is likely the time to hit the unsubscribe button. Have a good one either way!